…’cause I believe in rock ‘n roll, and I would die for rock ‘n roll…

It’s been a nice relaxing weekend, mostly.

I spent quite a lot of time talking to Ashley. Just 6 days! It’s so exciting to know she’ll soon be here again. 2 weeks of bliss will be very welcome. I must remember to pick up some things, such as film, batteries and her present, for when she comes here.

I’m having a great hair day! Straightish, wavey and long. If only it would always be like this, I’d grow it a couple feet longer.

Last night Ilea and I watched One Hour Photo. It was a really great movie. The main character was both likable and creepy, a nice combination, I thought. You should all give it a couple hours of your time if you haven’t already.

I did some cleaning and general upkeep today. Part of this was tweaking my PayPal account. I’ll be 4 months in 2 days since I changed hosts for Frozen Truth . com. I’m happy with the progress I’ve made since then with my layout and content.

[Music: Sam Roberts – On The Run]

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