In the belief-o-matic I believe I was Buddhism-Unitarianism-Paganism. It seems unitarianims is quite common.

Unitarianism is interesting. Here's some from the Wikipedia entry for Unitarian Universalism:

Unitarian Universalism is a creedless religion. It is a syncretic religion, which respects all the major religious traditions, and religious services often draw from the various world faiths. A major difference between Unitarian Universalism and other major religions is a strong emphasis on tolerance and acceptance. Unitarian Universalist churches welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people as well as the disabled, and the church does not discriminate on the basis of skin color, national origin, or ethnicity. A large portion of its members consider themselves humanists, and many may hold Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, pagan, atheist, agnostic, pantheist, or other beliefs, or may not choose a particular theological label. This vast diversity of views is considered a strength by the UU faith, since its emphasis is on the common search for meaning among its members rather than adherence to any particular doctrine. Many UU congregations have study groups which study the doctrines and spiritual practices of Neopaganism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and other faith traditions. One UU minister, the Reverend James Ford, has even been acknowledged as a Zen master.