Serene, Sleepless, Gamma Gamma

Sunday afternoon Nathan and I headed out to The Pavilion, Halifax’s all ages venue, to see a show by Gamma Gamma Rays, The Sleepless Nights and The Most Serene Republic. There we met up with three of Nathan’s friends and settled into a small crowd of indie kids. It was strange to see a live show while it was still light out.

The Gamma Gamma Rays were a fun surprise, opening the show with scrappy indie pop. They paled compared to the two following bands, but I wouldn’t mind seeing them again. They’re Halifax locals, so I’m sure they’ll pop up again.

Since first seeing them live, I haven’t been able to stop listening to The Sleepless Nights; I now rank them as my favourite local band. Sunday they were superb, treating us all to some great new material. Their songcraft is exceptional, with A. A. Wallace being a formidable frontman. Through to the end of “Godspeed You Deathwolf” there wasn’t a lull in the greatness of their sound.

I didn’t have much of a sense of what The Most Serene Republic would be like live, though I’d been listening to them for a while. I was impressed by their performance, a tight and immersive experience, though not entirely accessible, much like their albums.

4 comments on “Serene, Sleepless, Gamma Gamma

  1. Hey Apollo…do you know anything about the arts school in Halifax? I forget what it's called…I drove past it last time I went…

    Grumble, I'll just look it up…

    Oh. The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. =D Anyway, let me know if you know anything…Would be tres helpful 😉

  2. Hey Apollo…do you know anything about the arts school in Halifax? I forget what it's called…I drove past it last time I went…

    Grumble, I'll just look it up…

    Oh. The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. =D Anyway, let me know if you know anything…Would be tres helpful 😉

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