Health Month, iDoneThis and My Current Lifelogging

I’ve been engaged in lifelogging for several years. It’s an exciting way to collect and use data that can have a real impact on how we live. I want to share some of the tools I have been using lately to lifelog.

In August I began using Health Month to keep track of specific habits I’ve been trying to adopt. The site creates a social game around improving lifestyles. Users are able to select a set of rules and track their adherence to the goals through daily check-ins. I appreciate that Health Month both tracks daily life and encourages the adoption of better habits. I’ve been using the site to entrench simple life changes such as drinking more water and I’ve had a lot of success.

I’ve been using iDoneThis to log things I do each day. The site is minimalist, what the developers describe as “a simple website for writing down what we did each day to track and motivate ourselves”. Each day I send off a quick email detailing my accomplishments and significant personal events for the day. I can plug iDoneThis into my Google Calendar for a really great look back at what I’ve been doing. I’m finding it helpful both for recording my activities and for prompting me to recognize the progress I am making in some key areas I am focusing on in my personal life.

Other tools I am actively using for logging are, Goodreads, 750 Words and an Eye-Fi card. I’d love to hear about other lifelogging tools, so be in touch if you have one to recommend.

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