Omni Reboot is, as the name suggests, a spiritual successor to Omni magazine.

Omni Reboot is, as the name suggests, a spiritual successor to Omni magazine.

Omni Reboot is, as the name suggests, a spiritual successor to Omni magazine. The approach the editor and contributors are taking is exciting.

“So think of this new OMNI as a future radar. The writers, artists, and speculators on these pages aren’t trying to tell you how it will go down. They’re looking, in all earnestness, in every discipline and beneath every stone, for those patterns. Sometimes this search will lead them to strange places, to examine phenomena not ordinarily seen in science magazines. It will lead them to the arts, to music, to the unexplained, to all the weird corners of human thought. Here at OMNI Reboot, we’re looking for the places where the future begins–and the places it went when we weren’t looking. We’ll be mining the lucid space between science fiction and reality, and our aim is true. Bear with us while we find our way. It’s a wild world out here.”

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