I have deep admiration for Thomas Mulcair —I believe he is the prime minister Canada deserves— and this piece he wrote is a great example of his grace as a leader.
“South Africa is a miracle — a miracle of forgiveness and a monument to the power of acting together for the greater good. Canada has to help South Africans continue their work to rebuild their nation, but we also have to learn from it.
Travelling with the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn Atleo, I was reminded of the scale of some of the problems that still confront Canada. Recognizing the rights and realizing the aspirations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Restoring Canada’s place on the world stage and taking a leadership role in the fight against climate change. Reversing the decades-long slide felt by middle-class families and making sure that we’re not the first generation in our country’s history to leave our children and grandchildren with a lower quality of living than we inherited from our parents.
These problems aren’t as stark as those that faced South Africa two decades ago, but they are greater than any one party and any one government. They stretch around the world and across generations. They sometimes seem insurmountable. But what Nelson Mandela’s life teaches us is that when faced with great challenges, people can not only rise to meet the occasion; they can exceed their own expectations.”