Eberron has been my favourite D&D setting since it was first released and I’m happy to see preliminary updates for…

Eberron has been my favourite D&D setting since it was first released and I’m happy to see preliminary updates for…

Eberron has been my favourite D&D setting since it was first released and I’m happy to see preliminary updates for 5e being released. 

“The Eberron campaign setting was created by Keith Baker and first published for D&D in 2004. It combines pulp adventure and intrigue in a world where magic-driven technology has produced airships, trains, and similar advancements comparable to early 20th-century Europe. The continent of Khorvaire, the center of Eberron’s focus, has recently emerged from the Last War, a terrible conflict that saw the kingdom of Cyre transformed into a lifeless gray wasteland called the Mournland. That catastrophe shocked the remaining kingdoms into an uneasy peace that has held so far.”


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