Having a bag I’m happy to carry each day is something that has been important to me for a long while. I used to use messenger bags most often, but I’ve changed over to backpacks because they make more sense for running. My newest bag has the features I’ve come to appreciate most, including an external USB port for charging devices from a battery inside, a good variety of pockets and an inbuilt lock. I decorated the bag with the badges of Pokémon regions as I earn them in replays.
Backpack Refinement
Having a bag I’m happy to carry each day is something that has been important to me for a long while. I used to use messenger bags most often, but I’ve changed over to backpacks because they make more sense for running. My newest bag has the features I’ve come to appreciate most, including an external USB port for charging devices from a battery inside, a good variety of pockets and an inbuilt lock. I decorated the bag with the badges of Pokémon regions as I earn them in replays.