On the Pokémon Kids TV channel, a new animated short has been released that pays clear homage to classic Looney Tunes and features Scraggy and Mimikyu in familiar antagonistic roles.
Pokétoon Episode 1
On the Pokémon Kids TV channel, a new animated short has been released that pays clear homage to classic Looney Tunes and features Scraggy and Mimikyu in familiar antagonistic roles.
2 comments on “Pokétoon Episode 1”
Pokétoon Episode 1 – On the Pokémon Kids TV channel, a new animated short has been released that pays clear homage to classic Looney Tunes and features Scraggy and Mimikyu in familiar antagonistic roles. youtube.com/watch?v=u909_O… apollolemmon.com/2020/06/18/pok…