Eberron Archaeologist has begun a series of videos explaining aspects of the story of Eberron, my favourite setting for Dungeons & Dragons. In this first episode he introduces the Quori, dream manipulating creatures that are particular to the world of Eberron. He goes into great depth on the topic while keeping things accessible and unlikely to spoil any games featuring the Quori.
The Library of Korranburg, is a centre of learning in Eberron, Eberron Archaeologist’s Library looks into the story of Eberron, a world of Dungeons and Dragons. This episode we look into the alien, extra-planar spirits of dreams from Eberron’s Dal Quor, the Quori, and the Kalashtar and Inspired.
Library of Korranburg: The Quori – Eberron’s Masters of Dreams
2 comments on “Library of Korranburg: The Quori – Eberron’s Masters of Dreams”
Eberron Archaeologist has begun a series of videos explaining aspects of the story of Eberron, my favourite setting for Dungeons & Dragons. In this first episode he introduces the Quori, dream manipulating creatures that are… youtube.com/watch?v=tQQ8zB… apollolemmon.com/2021/11/11/lib…