
Postmark Games is now kickstarting Aquamarine, a new diving resource management and exploration print and play game. Voyages delivered so much value and ongoing support that I instantly backed Aquamarine.

Last year I backed and was thrilled by Postmark Games‘ fantastic print and play Voyages. Postmark Games is now kickstarting Aquamarine, a new diving resource management and exploration print and play game. Voyages delivered so much value and ongoing support that I instantly backed Aquamarine.

Beneath the waves lies a world full of colourful creatures, ruined ships and labyrinthine rocks. You have always felt some calling to explore, to dive into the murky depths, to discover the wonders within. So you don your trusty wetsuit, check your diving equipment and hop on a boat…a final check of your air tank and you’re ready to go! You take a deep breath, swing yourself over the side of the boat, and begin your adventure into an Aquamarine world.

Aquamarine is the second print at home game from Postmark Games, following the success of Voyages. You are a diver exploring the depths over a series of three separate dives. You will have to choose your dice carefully to manage your air supplies; the deeper you go the more air you use and the less time you have to see all the incredible marine life. Whoever discovers the most wondrous animals, wrecks and beacons by the end of the game will be declared the best diver!

Aquamarine is a print at home game, meaning that once the campaign ends we will send you PDF files of the game sheet (one A4 or Letter page) in colour and low ink, suitable for physical and digital play, along with digital and printable versions of the rules. Simply print out one copy of the game sheet per player, grab 2 dice and 1 felt tip pen or sharpie per player, and you are ready to play.

Aquamarine by Postmark Games

Tom of slicker_drips got early access to the game and provided a great rules breakdown and playthrough video.

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