Eberron Archaeologist on Props, Accessories and Alternative Covers

I’ve been sharing videos from Eberron Archaeologist for while now. As a fan of the Eberron campaign setting for D&D, they’re a real treat for me to watch. He released two videos last year I didn’t get around to sharing and thought I’d do so now.

I’ve been sharing videos from Eberron Archaeologist for while now. As a fan of the Eberron campaign setting for D&D, they’re a real treat for me to watch. He released two videos last year I didn’t get around to sharing and thought I’d do so now.

The first covers props and accessories for the setting and the second covers the alternative covers that were not released as published books.

IN this series we cover the many products, promos & pack-ins available to support Dungeon Masters and Players within the world of Eberron, this time, inspired by a recently announced out of the ordinary Eberron accessory, I want to cover Eberron’s strangest accessories – the ones that aren’t going to necessarily help you DM better, or get across your character better – but I will try to look at explanations on how they could conceivably improve your D&D game.
In Eberron Collector, we cover the many products, promos & pack-ins available to support Dungeon Masters and Players within the world of Eberron, this is a quick video looking at not at the Dungeons and Dragons book covers that were actually released – but what may have been in an alternate reality

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