Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V Episode 2

I don’t think I was prepared for the drama and emotional impact of this second episode of Voltes V; I was expecting giant robot action but instead got a heartbreaking family background and a heroic mom sacrificing for her children. If the remaining episodes live up to this, I can completely understand why it is beloved.
Three stills from Voltes V episode 2. Voltes V being attacked by a monster, a mother running to a fighter jet and Voltes V standing in water before a sunset.

I don’t think I was prepared for the drama and emotional impact of this second episode of Voltes V; I was expecting giant robot action but instead got a heartbreaking family background and a heroic mom sacrificing for her children. If the remaining episodes live up to this, I can completely understand why it is beloved.

I appreciate starting the episode reminding me who the main characters are, as I haven’t yet committed the names to memory.

An image of the villain's leader

We don’t see a lot of the Boazans in this episode, but their leader’s time on screen fits perfectly with the invading colonial forces.

An image of a bull-like monster, Beast Knight Baizanga.

The drama surrounding Baizanga is far more interesting than this bull-like monster, but his threat looms over everything.

The backstory of the children tasked with defending the Earth adds so much meaning to the action, with a father’s deception and sacrifice setting up what follows.

I was shocked when the mother of the Goh children was hit by an enemy attack. Having her receive medical attention was a clever way to but the viewer at ease before having her rush out to make a heroic and tragic rescue.

I was impressed by the pacing and storytelling used in this episode. So much was packed into 24 minutes. The ending was so fitting.

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