Social Digest 2023.05.14-2023.05.20

It was a particularly fun week to be poking around on the fediverse and I enjoyed sharing some bits from my life.
A bee on a pink rhododendron.

It was a particularly fun week to be poking around on the fediverse and I enjoyed sharing some bits from my life.

Nearby there has been a carved dragon in a lake for decades. When I was a kid my sister and I would always try to spot it when passing. Now a second dragon has been added.

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I listened to countless hours of Buck 65 for years, and when he crashed out of the limelight for a long period I missed having new albums from him. The Super Dope LP is part of a string of new releases he has made as a return to his roots. The title track is vintage Buck 65.

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Lately Celestine has wanted to play with Lego minifigs every day, and I have Doctor Who, D&D and Pokémon figs in with those, and a few treasured other toys like Mario and Unico. Mashups are happening.

A selection of minifigs.

Togepi + Dalek = ???

A mashup of a Togepi and a Dalek.


The Orc Doctor

A mashup of Doctor Who and a D&D orc being attacked by a pterosaur.

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Chilling Adventures Presents… Jinx: A Cursed Life is a silly horror one-shot with Jughead possessed by Satan and Archie enlisting Satan’s daughter Jinx to exorcise him. The art is great and there’s some fun writing, but there’s less peril here than I would hope to see.

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The proper reunion of The Elite last night on AEW Dynamite was the single most thrilling moment in wrestling for me this year. The long term storytelling these folks do is the best, and the emotional satisfaction of friends getting together again can’t be beat.

The Elite standing in a ring.
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Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves was an important book for me when I read it in high school and Only Revolutions later was another favourite. The Familiar series I’ve collected but not yet read in full. Today I picked up his latest book, The Little Blue Kite, because the digital version dropped to $6.99 CAD. There’s something comforting returning to Danielewski’s particular way of cramming meaning into a book. A couple dozen pages in and I’m feeling at home.

A disclaimer about the book being fiction, with flare about the reader's mind.
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Brass Against’s cover of Radiohead’s “Karma Police” is a wonder.

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Bees are frequenting the rhododendrons in this neighborhood this week.

A bee on a rhododendron.
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We’re off for a morning at the library and Celestine is prepared with her wand.

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We’re having a lovely time in the public gardens after a puppet show at the library. There have been lots of interactions with crows, ducks, and koi.

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