Yesterday I used Korean mabo tofu sauce to make mabo tofu at home for the first time. I’d prefer a spicer version if I was only serving it for myself, but the mild version was nice.
This poster for a queer DJ event at The Marquee stood out amid the other posters stapled to the power pole as I walked past on my way to a rare day working in the office.
I’ve used a Miuzei Raspberry Pi 4 case with my Pi 4 since I first got one in 2019. When I upgraded my fediverse server to a 4 GB model I left my old Pi bare while repurposing it as a home file server. Today I ordered the same Miuzei case again. The case’s fan works very well, it is well designed overall, and it’s relatively affordable at $17 CAD.
After my mother was diagnosed with cancer she either bought or was gifted this Chinese wish pot. After she passed I was given the pot and inside I found a bag of black sand and a rolled up paper wish that said “I wish for a long life.” It was a heartbreaking aspiration to read after her death. I think of this often to help calibrate my views. There are so many ways we could better support everyone having more of life and it’s important to centre that in how we understand and interact with the world.
Ten years ago my family held our tenth annual family reunion at my aunt’s home. My sister made this flag for our immediate family, showing my father, sister, brother-in-law and myself. Our family has expanded in the decade since.
The Fighting Fantasy series of game books were favourites of mine while growing up. This short profile in Wired talks about the design of the books and the importance of linking play with literacy, one of the key values of the form.