– Live – “The Sanctity of Dreams”
Lines have been drawn in the desert sands of our world. It’s grey versus blue and the havens of truth and love appear besieged on all sides. Millions die from disease and hunger. Others die in violence. Still more die alone or die in spirit. Apathy, greed, violence and hatred have become global anthems not only of the oligarchy, but also of the blind. This is truly a dire time.
This is also a turning point. Nations are on the edge of waking to the truth of what has become of them. There are soft echoes of it everywhere. You can hear and see it in art; it’s on the lips of the compassionate, which though distraught, hold onto hope.
Lies have fed fear, fear burned to anger, and anger to hatred and violence. Lies have fed apathy. It does not concern us that millions are dying, that so many have become disconnected from humanity or that any of the other tragedies occur. Lies have fed blindness. Poisons in all parts of our lives don’t even become seen as they pass through our minds.
This is a turning point. It is time to reawaken humanity. We, the ones with true voices, clarity of sight and purity of heart, must be the singers of a new and an old wisdom that will call us all out of a nightmare. It will not be instantaneous, but it is to become a great wave of compassion, truth and love.
We must put people before wealth and status. Love must come before everything else in life, for we cannot live it with grace otherwise. We must rebuild a strong sense of community among the awake. Friendships can be built to last lifetimes and enrich every life involved with the very essence of love. A globe joined in a web of compassion will heal.
Begin today to reach out more, even in the smallest ways. We all grow through these experiences of compassionate connection. By giving of ourselves we gain so much more in invigorated spirit.
Discard old prejudice and misconceptions. Be open to the wisdom of others and aware of the lies we can all become trapped within. Our future is in unity, not division, in truth, not lies.
Awake and dream true.