How To Dress Like Apollo

Well, not everyone seems to know how I dress. So here’s a rundown.

Wear only black socks.
Wear black shoes. Black or dark brown sandles are also highly recommended. The sandles should be worn with socks unless you are at a beach.

Wear only black jeans.

Torso + Arms:
Wear mostly plain shirts, good band shirts, and shirts with good comic characters on them. Generally these will be black or white.
A black trench coat is acceptable outer wear for any cold to mild weather, and no outer wear other than perhaps a long sleeved, button down black shirt should be worn at other times.

Hands + Wrists:
A nice watch, such as my favorite, the Elfquest “Now” Unisex Watch (it has no numbers, just the word NOW printed in the four main spots) is encouraged, but rings and bracelettes are not to be worn unless they are presents from dear friends. And then those must become constant parts of the wardrobe.

Jewelry is generally not worn around the neck, but rune charms, scarabs, ahnks and charms given by close friends may be worn.

Hair should be grown long and left unstyled. The crazier and curlier it gets the better. However, it should be properly parted and washed, so that it conforms to an organized chaos.

In winter, use of gloves and scarves are recommended, but a hat is never to be worn. Hoods, however, are fully acceptable.

Now you know how I dress.

[Music: Terami Hirsch – The River]

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