Dancing in the twilight, I need you

[Music: Gowan – Walking On Air]

Gowan’s my musical backgound for this post. I enjoy his music quite a lot… I must go look later to see if he has done any work outside of Styx recently. I especially enjoy “A Criminal Mind”, as it’s one of the first songs I heard from him. My father had the album it’s from and I was instantly drawn to that song and “Strange Animal”.

I’m currently ranked on Blizg thanks to some support from people like you. Thank you!

The weather here has been nothing but rain for days. Tomorrow will be another day with “risk of thundershowers” and we’ll have rain until Sunday, according to the good folks at Environment Canada. After such a hot and dry summer this is certainly surprising, but I do live in Nova Scotia, one of the continent’s most unpredictable place for weather. I would like to go to work though.

More old things are on ebay now, and my collection of unused things is diminishing. I want to send out as much as I can before I move back to the cave in September. The less I have the better.

As it is I have 9 boxes in my room of stuff I wish to keep with me(books and music, mostly), 1 large box upstairs that is selling on ebay, 4 other boxes of stuff I can’t sell, 1 other box I intend to sell, and a large wooden toybox filled with memories. Oh, plus a guitar case, a stereo, a lamp, a laptop and a long box of comics. That is everything I own other than a bed, a desk and a dresser.

Someday everything I own will fit in the trunk of a car and I can spend my life on the road. Or something equally exciting, at least. I would definitely love to do that, for I have a strong sense of wanderlust.

I have a rather short list of things I would like to aquire in the next year:

guitar strings

a guitar strap

a guitar tuner

a nice digital camera

a new laptop (with a big enough hard drive to hold all I would like it to: 80-100 gigs)

an external hard drive (on the way!)

I must remember to someday find books by George R.R. Martin, especially A Storm of Swords, from which I just read a short story that I really enjoyed. The focus on slavery was interesting and definitely made the story stand out, especially with the surprise ending.

And with that I bid you all goodnight.

[Music: Gowan – great dirty world]

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