I improved slightly by the evening. I finished reading the issue of Adbusters. It’s definitely an eye-opener in more than one sense of the phrase. The articles are diverse and very frightening, while the photos and other images are piercing and jarring. One image, of a young girl holding a handgun in her mouth was especially stark and powerful. One fact I didn’t realize before reading this issue was that CanWest Global is the only media seen in some communities and is force-fed upon 90% of the country. Media monopoly is alive and well in Canada. Those of you in the U.S. not yet opposing media reform that allows big media companies to have larger monopolies need to get out there.
I am becoming more aware of the world, but also much more at peace with it. Through my small efforts to create change and ensure that I act responsibly I am gaining a greater respect for mankind as a whole, and further insight into my own condition. I’m leaving fear behind me and dancing with the Tao.
I was walking for much of today. I first went out to mail some letter and packages, search for a new webcam, and return a video I had rented. After that I went to pick up the 5 rolls worth of photos I had developed and also to pick up some necessities for the apartment.
Before long I’ll read The Tao of Inner Peace for the first time since I returned to the city. I have been missing its lessons as of late, though I have been reflecting on previous ones and putting them into action.
Frozen Truth dot com now has a new image on the side bar. It’s from the many photos I got today, and will likely be changing soon. Be sure to check out the entries there which I didn’t include in my Live Journal.
Speaking of LJ, I included the following in it: In a comment sum up your thoughts about me in one word. The results follow.
Intelligent (II)
Deep (II)