Streets, Stones, Wolves and Life

I got out of the cave today. I’ve been holing up here too many hours of the day and becoming stagnant. I need to freshen up the environment more in the coming days.

This evening I decided I needed to go for a long walk to escape. I needed the fresh air, but I also needed to explore this city. While I’ve lived here for two years, I still do not know this city as well as I should. The beautiful and facinating parts have largely remained hidden to me. I went through streets I have never seen before, through the poorer, crumbling sections of the city where I felt remarkably at ease and safe. There’s a beauty in the decay that most people don’t seem to notice. Yes, it would be better for these people to live more comfortably, but their resiliance is admirable and gives a greater dynamic to the city.

I’m discovering the soul of Halifax slowly, and learning to love it. It’s a old one, but one of beauty, strength and evolution, wrapped in pieces of history. She’s held a lot of roles, and had her share of bad lovers, but she’ll greet you with a smile, tell you some stories over coffee and take a walk with you at any hour. If you look past the dust and scars you’ll see her wise beauty, and maybe she’ll share some you can keep.

On the way home from my walking I stopped off at Park Lane to take a look around. At Frog Hollow Books I looked around for a while and finally decided to buy Ross A. Laird‘s A Stone’s Throw, a book about stories and myth. This promises to be a very interesting read, and definitely a worthy whim buy.

Later on during my return journey I stopped by Video Difference to get a couple 7 day rentals. Mulholland Drive, directed by David Lynch and Enlightenment Guaranteed were my selections this evening. I’ll of course tell you what I think of them when I find the time to view them. The Mulholland Drive was picked up mostly because of the House of Leaves connection in the name (Mulholland Drive was where a very memorable piece of the book took place).

Tonight I finished reading the newly published ElfQuest manga-style volume. It’s a reprinting of older stories to be told in a chronological form and in black and white. This first issue had stories I had not yet read, and I enjoyed them very much. They added much to my understanding of the whole series. I’m definitely considering collecting the entire DC run of ElfQuest, as the manga-style of packing more stories into a single issue really appeals to me, as does the novel-like size and shape.

Tomorrow night I will hopefully be seeing The Trews and Eyes For Telescopes. I’m looking forward to seeing two of my favourite bands, and especially E.F.T. for the first time. I wonder if Sascha is still planning to go. I would definitely like to see him again, and a concert is one of the better places.

On Monday my friend Wanda is planning to come into the city again. I had a great time this week hanging out with her and I’m sure Monday will be just as fun. She asked me to take some photos of her, so I suggested we go exploring the city as well and snap some shots around there. She said Bryn might also be interested, so it should be a good time. I definitely didn’t get enough of exploring tonight. There’s so much of Halifax that I want to find and document.

Next weekend my roommates and I are hoping to have a bit of a get together here at the apartment. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome, as long as they are interested in doing some gaming, watching some movies, eating some food and having some good clean fun. Ringlos will be in abundance and so will quality folks.

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