External profiles: Tribe.net, Live Journal, 43 Things, 43 Places, WAYN?, Friendster, My Space, Hi5, OK Cupid, Last.FM, Stumbleupon
Name: Apollo Lemmon
D.o.B.: December 10, 1982
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
E-mail: frozentruth@frozentruth.com
Personality Type: INF(P/J) (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling PerceivingJudging)
Spirituality: patchwork, with strong Buddhist leanings
Political: Socialist (Political Compass: -8.00,-7.90)
Passtimes: writing, reading, meditation, photography, listening to music
I’m 22 and have lived in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada all my life; I grew up in Dean and now live in Halifax, one of my three favourite cities (alongside Ottawa and Montreal). As grand as Canada is, I’m certainly not a patriot or nationalist; I value the world as a whole and feel nationalism is very harmful.
I’m about to make a transition from working as a watchman to being an auditor. I don’t take much of my identity from work but seeing that the experiences from it may sometimes pop up here, I decided to give it mention.
My spirituality is a healthy mix of Buddhism with secular humanism and various other religious traditions. I practice meditation and live in accordance with the core of Buddhist teachings (The Four Noble Truths) as much as I am able to. Complementing this, I take time to explore holism and find integral thought to hold much that helps me to understand the world, especially the human mind and spirituality.
Writing is my greatest interest; I’m facinated with storytelling in all its forms but especially in how it can influence us as written words. I’ve had a strong interest in speculative fiction for nearly all my life but have, in recent years, begun to especially appreciate (auto)biographical, historical, spiritual and philosophical works. I do like to wander off anywhere, though, so you might find me reading just about any wholesome piece of prose or poetry.
Music is another love of mine. I find gems in just about every genre, from folk to classical; hip hop to rock; jazz to post-rock; and country to electronic. You’ll have to see my Audioscrobbler profile to learn more about specifics because I can’t type out the hundreds of artists I’ve been enchanted by.
Politically, I’m deeply committed to socialism and the related areas of environmentalism, human rights, and equality. In the Canadian political systems I vote for the NDP almost exclusively (I’ll vote Liberal if there is no NDP candidate or none with a chance of defeating cons).
There are so many other facets to this life I’m living. I hope you’ll take the time to read my journal and get to know some of them. I’m really quite a friendly introvert, so please feel free to ask about anything you’d like to know.
2 comments on “A Second Look”
Just checking out your page while setting up Neo-Nerds. It's become more a page of people and things they write about more than topics that people contribute to. I can link your blog temporarily till you feel like putting up an essay on anything you want.
I used that pic of your shoes for your avatar on NN. π I'm trying to think of something catchy to put by your name but I think you may be the only one who I don't know well enough to think of anything yet. I'll talk to Andrew.
So yeah neo-nerds.net should be up soon.
Just checking out your page while setting up Neo-Nerds. It's become more a page of people and things they write about more than topics that people contribute to. I can link your blog temporarily till you feel like putting up an essay on anything you want.
I used that pic of your shoes for your avatar on NN. π I'm trying to think of something catchy to put by your name but I think you may be the only one who I don't know well enough to think of anything yet. I'll talk to Andrew.
So yeah neo-nerds.net should be up soon.