On The Job

This week I’m being paid to be a tourist as part of my new job. I’m enjoying this new job a whole lot more than I anticipated, and in no small part because of the fun aspects I’m about to mention. The perks of this industry, right now, seem to be really great and I’m looking forward to what is coming in the future.
This afternoon we went on a Grey Line tour of Halifax. We drove past numerous interesting sites, took a bag piper-led walk through the Public Gardens, visited Citadel Hill (four of us explored the cool tunnels because 37 C humidex-adjusted temperatures aren’t much fun to stand in) and visited Fairview Lawn Cemetery (to view Titanic grave sites). I was very impressed with our guide’s delivery and the knowledge of this city’s history that he shared, especially the information about the Halifax Explosion. Give Grey Lines a try if you ever visit Halifax and want to learn some about the city.
Tomorrow we have the most anticipated perk so far. We’ve been booked for a day-long wine tour of the Annapolis Valley. We’ll be sent to wineries and a vineyard as well as given complementary meals. It should be a very interesting trip. I’m not usually a drinker (it was about a year since my last drink before Susana visited and corrupted me with Guinness and tequila) but I’ll likely taste some of the wines tomorrow. There’s no sense in being a spoilsport and I’ll want something to drink if it’s hot and humid again tomorrow.
Friday the fun will continue with hotel tours in the morning and a trip around the harbour on Theodore Tugboat, a replica of the famous star of the children’s series Theodore Tugboat. The harbour tour should be interesting; I haven’t been on one in many years and seeing the city from such an angle will be a treat. No, I won’t be embarassed to be on such a silly-looking vessel.
That’s not all. We may get to be guinea pigs for the spa that will be located in our hotel. Can you imagine me getting a pedicure or some such beauty treatment? A massage might be nice, though. I believe there are some other perks I’m forgetting, but you get the picture, I’m sure.

Oh, I surely saw more kilts today than I ever have before. You know, I don’t think they’d be all that bad to wear on a mild day.

2 comments on “On The Job

  1. Uh-uh, I din't corrupted you, I just showed you that drinking is good 😛
    You couldn't resist to that Guiness!

  2. Uh-uh, I din't corrupted you, I just showed you that drinking is good 😛
    You couldn't resist to that Guiness!

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