With 70% of the world at or lower than an ethnocentric level of development and a good portion of the populations in even countries like Canada in such a saddening, dangerous stage, it shouldn’t surprise us when the less favourable political parties gain strength. As Ken Wilber put it, and I’m taking this from memory, “If we actually had one person, one vote democracy on this planet, the facists would be running the planet.” It would be nice to think common sense and awareness would lead people toward progressive and compassionate governance, but that is simply wishful thinking. To make genuine progress we have to find ways to get people evolving faster, to break the power of fundamentalism.
If we want equal rights for people of all walks (the Conservatives have promised to try to take away rights and recognition from people in same-sex relationships), strong social services (Conservatives would rather give tax cuts to the rich, increase taxes for the most poor and not commit to much needed social programs, as outlined in their platform), environmental health (the Conservatives have vowed to remove Canada from the Kyoto accord, bringing us into the ranks of such nations as the U.S., which has refused to join the program aimed at reducing greenhouse emmissions), and other aspects of a strong, rich and progressive society, we must commit ourselves to both opposing conservative politicians and also to helping our fellow citizens increase their awareness so that they may make choices with clearer vision.
With the greatest battle for the future of Canada we have faced in at least a decade ahead of us (the election is in 5 days and we have a great fight after that), I hope you’ll join me in voting for the NDP where they can win and the Liberals, despite the corruption throughout the party, where there’s no other viable option. But my deeper wish and commitment is to a far more important mission, to enfuse our society with an evolutionary spark that can help to defuse the danger of the conservative and fundamentalist elements of our world. And in that grand play I hope we can be effective.
“Shamed into action the Federal government promised to fix the water system [in Kashechewan], and build new houses for the community. Then it signed a 5 billion dollar commitment to help native communities at a summit in Kelowna just days before the government fell. But to the people of Kashechewan the credit goes to the NDP. [NDP MP Charlie] Angus visited the town this week, and on the side of a broken down house there was a spray painted message-“Thank u NDP for fighting for our right to live, for a new beginning. For our children. Thank U NDP.”
– CTV Election Weblog, January 16, 2006