Engaging the World in Integral

“Whatever your particular passion is, bring Integral to it and then bring that to the rest of the world.” – Corey W. deVos

Speaking on the Integral Chicks Podcast this week, Corey W. deVos made an eloquent case for the need for Integral folks to expose people outside the Integral community to the strength and beauty of the Integral vision. “You have to engage the rest of the world, you have to engage the rest of the internet.”

The Integral Chicks episode was titled “Allowing Yourself to Come Online” and Corey shared pieces of his personal experience through the Integral lens and expressed a conviction that it is important for the Integral movement to mature beyond a community and become a culture. I share Corey’s conviction that integral needs to grow and include a wider range of people in the exciting vision that Integral offers. I also recognize that we don’t yet have a good map for that tricky business of skillfully sharing a new worldview.

It will be exciting to see how we can bring a deeper, wider, more welcoming vision to more minds. A culture that is conscious of distinctions, skillfully inclusive and radically enriched by each way we have to understand the world would be an astounding change.

What is Integral? Get a feel with the Integral tag at my site or dive into Integral Life.

As dj rekluse, Corey also released 2 of his DJ cuts this week, and they’re magnificent.

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