I was born into a family that loved Star Trek, and Star Trek: The Next Generation was a constant part of growing up for me. It’s a comfort food of media, and it was formative for a lot of how I interpret the world. I haven’t gotten into recent Star Trek, whether the films or TV series, but the promise of a return to the characters I loved in TNG has me optimistic and looking forward to Star Trek: Picard.
Comic tie-ins are typically disappointing, but I decided to give IDW’s comic introduction to the TV series a shot. I enjoyed seeing familiar faces and the introduction of the ethical problems that are so familiar from the best of Star Trek. It delivered on what I hoped for and after one issue it feels like a good primer for what is to come.
Before he retired to his vineyard, Jean-Luc Picard was the most decorated admiral in Starfleet. Then one mission changed his life forever. The Countdown starts here!
Star Trek: Picard—Countdown
2 comments on “Star Trek: Picard – Countdown #1”
Star Trek: Picard – Countdown #1 apollolemmon.com/2020/01/14/sta…