Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V Episode 3

The third episode of Voltes V wasn’t quite at the level of drama as the second, but it continued the theme of mothers’ sacrifices for their children and fleshed out Ippei Mine’s backstory.
3 stills from Voltes V episode 3. Wolves exploding, the team united in silhouette, and and the bee monster.

The third episode of Voltes V wasn’t quite at the level of drama as the second, but it continued the theme of mothers’ sacrifices for their children and fleshed out Ippei Mine’s backstory.

The opening portions with the villains hold so much promise but so far little time has been spent with them.

The continuity between episodes is good, underlining the weight of Mrs. Goh’s sacrifice.

This scene probably wasn’t intended to be funny, but it got a chuckle from me.

The monster of the week was a bee monster, and was mostly not notable except for destroying the grave of Mitsuyo Goh.

The development of Ippei’s childhood trauma makes him a much more compelling character. Having him be interrupted mid-fight with information about his mother’s death seemed comically unwise.

The depiction of the “wild west” from a Japanese perspective is interesting to see.

The team united over shared trauma, defeated the monster, and showed a united front. I’ll be interested to see how those bonds develop in future episodes.

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