The Last Mermaid #6

This sixth issue of Derek Kirk Kim’s The Last Mermaid wraps up the first arc of the story. I’m not sure it sticks the landing, but it’s a solid read with action and tender moments between the protagonists.
A mermaid pilots her mecha accompanied by her axolotl.

This sixth issue of Derek Kirk Kim’s The Last Mermaid wraps up the first arc of the story. I’m not sure it sticks the landing, but it’s a solid read with plenty of action, danger, and tender moments between the protagonists.

A man holding a gun faces off with a giant mutant woman with a mace on the cover of The Last Mermaid.

Story arc finale! A close bond begins to bloom between the mermaid and Torque. A bond that will be tested by an entire lair of cannibal cyborg mutants who stand between them and the only supply of water for miles. Moreover, major revelations about the mermaid’s past abound, including—at last—her name.

The Last Mermaid #6
A human and a mermaid touch hands through the glass of her mecha.
A mermaid and a human observe a sun setting behind a gigantic trident across two panels that illustrate time passing.

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