This week I set up a new server at home and switched to using Mastodon at Leading up to the switch and after I’ve felt more engaged with the fediverse.
This week I set up a new server at home and switched to using Mastodon at Leading up to the switch and after I’ve felt more engaged with the fediverse.
Given the events this month, these signs were especially heartening to spot today.
I brought home an old Lenovo workstation from work to eventually use as my home server, and am playing around with Lubuntu for the first time. I’m used to working at home with a single board Linux laptop and Raspberry Pis for servers, so working with Linux on a desktop again is feeling very speedy.
I first posted on the fediverse back in 2018 on a account.
Before long I set up a server of my own with
In 2023 the increasing cost of using a hosting provider prompted me to host my own Akkoma server on a Raspberry Pi. Mastodon is too inefficient to work well on cheap hardware so I went with a lighter alternative.
This week I picked up a Lenovo Workstation at my work that was being retired and set it up to be my new server at home. I decided to go back to using Mastodon again with the more capable hardware in my closet.
Each time I moved my posts didn’t come with me. It’s still weird to me that migration hasn’t been elegantly solved on the fediverse. I keep a digest of things I post and boost on the fediverse at my blog: social
Canada Post is currently on strike, so seeing this art on the door of a local shop felt a bit weird. Solidarity with postal workers and snails, always.
Cozy Pay What You Want TTRPGs is offering 68 TTRPG products for a true, no minimum pay what you want price. There’s Cottagecore Goblin Lesbians Destroy Capitalism, Foam & Fiction, and even a guest for Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast.