I enjoyed playing through Paper Apps Dungeon when I found it at a local games and comics shop and when I heard the creators of that game were bringing out a new, similar game set in space I was immediately interested.
Paper Apps Galaxy is currently kickstarting and promises space exploration with a bit less left to the luck of rolls.

There’s a printable demo available, and I enjoyed playing through a few sectors and a mini-game. I’ll be getting a printable digital copy of the game to play through it in full.

Get back to your home galaxy while navigating through asteroid fields, encountering alien lifeforms, and blasting enemy ships!
What would it be like to distill the essence of classic space shooters like Galaga, Asteroids, and other “shmups” into a paper-and-pencil format? Exploring this question drove the design process behind Paper Apps™ GALAXY. Position, strategy, and timing are key elements of the game. And of course we had to add asteroids, enemies, and the ship upgrades!
What resulted is truly the deepest (and funnest) Paper Apps™ game yet!
GALAXY introduces some new mechanics to the Paper Apps™ lineup. Movement is handled by your “flight computer”, a row of pre-rolled numbers along the bottom of the page. This allows you to plan ahead and make the movement less random. You can skip any number, but watch out–if you run out of numbers, you run out of fuel. There is still plenty of dice rolling when firing or being fired on. Your roll determines if a missile (from you or from an enemy) is a hit or miss.
Paper Apps Galaxy